Monday, June 20, 2011

Fabulous Fun with Food

CHF is eating food! From his first try he just took the spoon in his mouth and swallowed. He must really be paying attention at daycare as other babies eat. Sweet potatos are his favorite (he actually kicked his feet with excitement) and he was not too fond of bananas. Later this week he is getting peas so we will see what he thinks of that.

We call him "baby teradactyl" because he is constantly vocalizing now. He is making friend and actually held hands with Katie at daycare today (she apparently then tried to eat his fingers but we will ignore that). He is such a smiley baby! He is rolling over onto his stomach now and prefers to sleep that way.

LDF is enjoying the the summer, especially spraying her parents with the hose. She likes to tell jokes and listen to stories Uncle Michael makes up about Shawna the ghost.

Here is some video:

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