Thursday, March 31, 2011

Springtime in the Snow

Disappointed to report the weather cannot make up its mind if it is sunny or snowy. (We prefer sunny!) On nice days we can go on walks with L in the stroller and Charlie in the frontpack.

At his 2 month trip to the doctor (BTW- He is now 10 weeks old) Charlie weighed 11 lbs and was 22 inches long. He had 2 shots in his legs that made him cranky but was otherwise ok.

Forgot to mention that Leila thought "St Patrick's Day sure was fun." We went to the parade/indoor kids carnival in downtown Rochester and went to a play date at a friends house where L got to find shamrocks in the backyard. (No, we did not bring a camera)

Other things that have been fun:

- Seeing how maple syrup is made at Schoff 's Sugar Shack and then going to a Grandma Hatties Tea House and trying on hats with Grandma Gail and Papa Bill

- Going to Lamberton conservatory to see daffodils with Papa Lou and Grandma Elaine

- L and Mommy went to see Star Wars characters at the Strong Museum (I told her she would not like the movie because it has boring parts. She later asked Josh if she could watch the movie with the white guys from space and the boring parts--he found this hysterical)

- Going to the model matzah bakery at the JCC (Leila actually ate the whole piece that she made)

Here are some photos:








Now playing: Erin McKeown - They Say It's Spring
via FoxyTunes

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