Sunday, August 26, 2007

Out on the Town

As promised, more pictures from our visit. On friday night and saturday, we swung by the sweet corn festival and the farmer's market in Urbana. Eggplants of strange colors and shapes were purchased, as were some rather tasty peaches:


Today, we went to the Monticello Railway Museum, which has several well-restored trains, and a bunch on the way to that condition. As you can see, we had a good time:



Now playing: Arlo Guthrie - City Of New Orleans
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 24, 2007

The crib is here, and so is the future uncle

S.'s brother is here to visit, and his toes can be seen here (more photos from this weekend will be posted soon). Also making an appearance is the crib, which we finally got from the store and built. Just the installation of the car seat and the whole labor and delivery thing left...


A short video documentary about the crib, including some breathtaking camera work (still learning to use the zoom properly) for your viewing pleasure:

Now playing: The Beatles - I'm So Tired
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 17, 2007

Photos from the shower

Thanks, everybody, for taking part in the online baby shower! We had a great time and hope you did too. We have some pictures of all the wonderful gifts we've received, which can be seen here.

Here's the momma-to-be, chatting along with everyone:

Now playing: Dan Bern - Baby Love
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Over at google groups tonight


If you come here looking for the online shower, check your e-mail box. You'll have an e-mail from "" that contains instructions for signing up for a Google account and logging into the group, whose website can be found here.
Call us if you have any problems, but remember to check the junk mail folder first, since automatic messages sometimes end up there.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

She's a Peanut!

For those who haven't heard the news, our last ultrasound revealed a little bit of news that we'd been missing throughout the pregnancy...and it turns out the peanut is a she, as a plurality of people thought in the poll that can be found below. Sorry, all of you who picked Boy or Monty Python. For the sake of propriety, we'll keep the key photos in question private, as such thing can be found all across the internet if one is really interested. Instead, our first face-to-face encounter with the peanut will have to do:
And while we are at it, a picture of the momma as well, listening to some music at Allerton Park in nearby Monticello, IL:

Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Pregnancy Journey Continues...

August 9, 2007 (36 Weeks along) We went to the Illinois Shakespeare Festival on the grounds of Ewing Manor in Bloomington, IL to see Love's Labours Lost. The peanut needs some culture!
