Monday, July 2, 2007

The Pregnancy Journey. . .

December 31, 2006. (4 weeks along) After taking a pregnancy test I woke J up with the good news that we had a peanut on the way. He was excited, if not a little sleepy. We headed to Seattle that weekend. I toured around while J attended a conference. Here I am at Pike Place Market.

March 17, 2007. (14 weeks along) A St. Patrick's Day visit to the Chanute Air Museum in Rantoul, IL. Dmitry and Ellis visited from Madison for the weekend.

May 13, 2007. (22 weeks along) We enjoyed a Mother's Day brunch at Allerton Park, in Monticello, IL.

May 19, 2007. (23 weeks along) At a Milwaukee Brewers game, the peanut is learning to like baseball early.

June 29, 2007. (29 weeks along) We stopped at Blue Sky winery in Southern Illinois to take in the scenery, not to drink : ) .
