Uncle Michael came to visit and we went to the apple farm. Highlight for Leila was picking the higher apples up on shoulders. Highlight for Charlie was looking at a bee hive under glass.
Charlie started crawling last Thursday! Speedy Gonzolas he is not but he can defenitely go forward and reach things. We are hearing from Leila "Don't Touch That" "He can't have that right" "Thats mine." Fun times. Here is some video evidence.
L had her first professional haircut at the appropriately named Haircuts for Peanuts. She was good about it and even let them put a ribbon in her hair.
I made the mistake of saying in front of Leila that I was sad that summer was ending and now she goes around saying "You know what is sad about my birthday, it is at the end of summer." Other favorite sayings at the moment are "can you even believe it" and "Charlie don't eat that." We are all happy to be celebrating L's 4th birthday this week. More on this next week, but for now some pics from our recent adventures.
L trying out her new bike and Charlie (7 months) smiling.
At the Renaissance fair in Sterling, NY. We went on some rides, took part in a sword fight and a pirate sing a long and Josh had his fill of a turkey leg.
At Seabreeze amusement park. Josh took her on all the spinning rides and I took her on the water rides. She loves rollercoasters (Josh and L are waving in the front on the white bodsled and by the pine tree on beartracks) they were her favorite; but she was scared when we went on the lazy river in an inner tube. go figure.